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Valérie Harvey has lived two years to Japan, a country that has profoundly changed her. She grew especially fond of the wonderful Kyoto, where she resided. She has subsequently published several books related to Japan, taking both a scientific (essays, scientific articles) and artistic interest (novels, children’s books, songs) in this culture. She teaches Japanese in Quebec City and regularly speaks on the francophone waves of CBC Radio as a sociologist and specialist of Japan.

Valérie completed a master’s degree in sociology during which she studied the desire to have children in Japan, and obtained doctor’s degree in the same field, pursuing her understanding of family, this time about paternity leave in Quebec.

Some of her articles and publications in scientific journals can be read in her ResearchGate profile:

Valérie Harvey

Télé-université | TÉLUQ · “Work-life Articulation Over the Lifecourse” (CURA- WAROL)
Ph.D. Sociology

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